Статья 3117

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Romanovskaya Olga Valentinovna, Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, head of sub-department of state and legal disciplines, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), vlad93@sura.ru

Index UDK





Background. In accordance with Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen can participate in management of state affairs, both personally and through their representatives. This authority corresponds to the notion of a democratic state, which is proclaimed as a characteristic of the Russian Federation in the foundations of the constitutional system. At the same time, it assumes different forms of citizen participation (associations) in the regulation of social relations. One of these forms is co-regulation. The objective of the work is to determine basic characteristics of the co-regulation principle in constitutional law, to analyze its contents.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented on the basis of an analysis of the existing legislation, determining the order of adoption of legal acts jointy by public authorities and non-governmental organizations. The study was implemented through the method of analysis of legal regulation, the formal legal and comparative legal methods.
Results. The article presents the features of the content of the co-regulation principle in constitutional law, as well as the requirements for its implementation in the current management of the state.
Conclusions. It is emphasized that the co-regulation principle is implemented in the Russian Federation in a very limited way. The principle of co-regulation is most clearly manifested in the adoption of normative acts of state bodies, together with non-governmental organization.

Key words

 co-regulation, self-regulation, government, delegation

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Дата создания: 28.08.2017 09:24
Дата обновления: 28.08.2017 15:43